New Site Section: Support Your Local Author

Introducing a new section of my site: Support Your Local Author.

This line of work is often lonely.

As writers we are often heads-down in our work – writing, revising, researching, planning, drinking …

After writing, there’s beta reading, querying, marketing, selling, drinking …

All the while we will have doubts and questions. Sometimes we need encouragement or honest feedback on our piece. Or maybe we’re stuck on how to build a platform, or how to best promote our work, to be heard.

And sometimes, we can get wrapped up in our own work and not recognize that others are out there facing the same challenges. They too can use a kind word, a retweet, feedback, a contact, a sale.

What I would like to do more of is to engage fellow writers and support them however I can. So this new section will help me help others. It’s  a high-level reminder to put my own stuff aside and see what others are up to and maybe I can help. Read more and share your ideas.

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