Some titles read in 2018

Happy New Year 2019

How are we already in the final year of the decade? Well here’s to a great 2019.

I’ve re-read my 2018 New Year post and the goals therein. How’d I do?


So here’s what I wrote then and the results:

  • “Complete the first draft of the second novel in my series, The Shadowless, work on revisions with my critique group, then polish it up with my editor.”—Though I did complete my first draft (yeah!), I still need to revise and share with my critique group for their feedback.
  • “Continue being active in James River Writers and supporting local authors.”—Yes. I continue being active in the writing community. (The photo above is some of the books I had read in 2018, including some written by Richmonders.)
  • December 31st ended my tour as a board member of James River Writers. It’s hard to leave such a great group of people dedicated to supporting writers and the craft, but thank goodness for term limits to shove me into new opportunities.
  • “Use my Working Title podcast to focus more on indie-publishing, sharing my experience in order to help other writers who may be on the same path.”—Yes. I continue releasing monthly podcasts where I speak with authors and others about the craft of writing, many of whom are independent authors.
  • “I want to line up book events to help promote Shadows Within. Maybe get some reviews on other sites or printed pages.”—I’ve attended others’ book events and had three of my own—my first panel appearance of the JRW Writing Show, a JABBIeS event at Fountain Bookstore and my own book signing at Book People.
  • “Revamp the website — I really mean it this time!”—The website has had modest changes—not a revamp. I would like to make a logo for J. P. Cane for this site and to appear on other marketing items like my postcards.

Goals for 2019:

  • Complete Book Two of The Shadowless series
  • Find a platform for Working Title podcast
  • Improve my marketing knowledge and use one more strategies to increase readership
  • Continue making improvements to the website
  • Create a J. P. Cane logo to use here and on marketing materials


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