Sailing On

As I mentioned earlier, my novel revisions felt solid for the first time. My writing group this past Monday buoyed me, confirming my belief. The members’ enthusiasm was heartening. Their criticism, more importantly, were ever insightful. All but one character was vivid and relatable. Even the one I had the most difficulty portraying, the rake Michael, was clear.

Malcolm, on the other hand, was too distant, too much of a cold fish. He is a cerebral guy. I will need to warm him up on another pass.

But I forge ahead. In fact, I am ahead. I have new chapters ready for them and a few more for the meeting after that. Hopefully I can keep this up and have a complete manuscript in a few months.

How’s your writing going?


2 responses to “Sailing On”

  1. glad it’s going well!

    I’m half loving editing the WIP for the third time and half hating it 🙂

    1. Thank you for your encouragement! I completely understand your mixed feelings. This is great stuff!/This is drivel! Why am I doing this?

      I do look at some of the lines in the re-writes and find myself so very pleased with them. Other passages I know aren’t up to par, but can’t get it right.

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